
 BYTES~  Rehash

rehash, fresh vegetables, fresh new you@

1 Corinthians 11:25 In the same manner He also took the cup after supper, saying, “This cup is the New Covenant in My Blood. This do, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me.”

Jesus did not want any of His friends and followers to forget about Him and what He had done. So He graciously made a way for all who love and believe in Him to live in remembrance of Him. He told us to have Communion often in remembrance of Him. Jesus was basically telling Believers to rehash what He had said and done, to speak often about it in order that they might live victorious lives here on earth in Him.

To rehash, according to Oxford Languages, is to reuse (old ideas or material) without significant change or improvement; to talk over or discuss again. In certain instances to rehash the same thing over and over again is unproductive to everyone involved in the conversation. But in the case of Believers in Jesus Christ, Believers like you and me, rehashing, talking often about Jesus, is our fountain of life, joy, peace and hope.

Talking about Jesus, going to church, reading daily about Him in His Word or through posts like this, or other sources, and bringing to remembrance what His sacrifice has accomplished for us, is never to be seen as the same old, boring topic rehashed over and over again. Rather, living in remembrance of Jesus is our life-blood, our victory, our healing and our deliverance.

This do, Jesus said. And so we should. We should be endeavouring to do all He says to do in His Word. God’s Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path, therefore living in remembrance of Him and what he has done for us should be our daily lifestyle.

Let us lovingly rehash the Bible and what Jesus did for us as a vital part of our daily routine. We need to continually remind ourselves that we are already victorious in Christ Jesus through living our lives in remembrance of Him. Living in remembrance of Jesus will not leave us stagnant, dried up and dead. Rather living in remembrance of Him causes rivers of living water to flow out from inside us.

Jesus is saying to you and to me today, “This do in remembrance of Me. You will not be disappointed, you will not be bored, but you will be salt and light wherever you go.”    

Meaghan Spies © 2022


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