BYTES~ A Unit of Memory

BYTES~ A Unit of Memory

Psalm19:7-8(AMP) The Law of the Lord is perfect (flawless), restoring and refreshing the soul; the statutes of the Lord are reliable and trustworthy, making wise the simple. The precepts of the Lord are right, bringing joy to the heart; The commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes.


YTES was a God-idea I received from the Holy Spirit for a new series of teachings in November 2019. Holy Spirit led me to research what BYTES were in our generations jargon. First of all, BYTES is a unit of memory of data, the smallest being megabytes, and the next to biggest being terabytes. BYTES are basically the data you use on your devices to connect with loved ones, friends, Google and the world. The total BYTES of data you have determine the length of time you have to connect with your world via the internet. No BYTES, no connection!


BYTES, or BITES, are also symbolic of the importance of thoroughly chewing your food to better help your body digest the much-needed nutrients and minerals for a stronger, healthier body. Taking smaller BITES also opens up a world of pure enjoyment as we savour each delicious morsel of our meal. The digestive system functions better when it has smaller portions of food to absorb, instead of us trying to choke down large chunks at a time, which just clogs up the system, causing constipation and other unforeseen digestive problems. We should not eat in gulps. We do much better eating in BYTES!

BYTES, in Afrikaans, is ‘n Happie, and can be translated as a delicious snack or pleasurable dessert.

From the above definitions, it dawned on me why Holy Spirit wanted my new series titled “BYTES.”

Ø BYTES are spiritual data, or spiritual food, needed to keep the channels open with God. God cannot be separated from His Word. Without the Bible, God’s autobiography, we would have had no knowledge of who God is or of what He defines as a living relationship with Him. We need daily time with Him to connect with His Holy Spirit, so that our relationship with God is vibrant, full of power and satisfying to the soul. We need God more than we think we do. Running out of BYTES by not spending quality time with God in praise, prayer and the Word will mean no connection. And no connection would mean zero power to overcome the inevitable storms that this life will bring.

Ø Nobody has ever built a relationship with God by devouring the Bible in a single sitting. The beauty, strength and closeness of a relationship is built through spending BYTES of time together, savouring the nuances of the relationship as you get to know each other better. So, too, God does not rush His relationship-building with each of His children. He takes His time to cultivate the mind of Christ in us so that we can love Him as deeply as Jesus did, and so that we can come to know that He loves us as much as He loves Jesus. Falling in love with Jesus day by day are the best BYTES of life to me. BYTES, daily time with God, keeps our relationship with God fresh, healthy and strong and gives us the strength we need to succeed each day.

Ø  The best part of BYTES, n Happie, are that those special times spent with the Darling of Heaven defines the sweetest times of our lives. God delights in not showing us the ‘big picture’ all at once. Rather, He, too, seems to enjoy and savour the moments we have together.


If God so enjoys time alone with us, we, too, should determine in our hearts to enjoy the moments with Him. The more time we invest in the Word in the Presence of God, the more He will fill us with daily strength, with restoration for our souls, with peace that passes all understanding, that will bring us to joyful times of refreshing In and through Him.

Take time each day to have a BYTE, a meal, with God, hiding His Word in your heart. That way you will be ensuring that you have strength for today and a bright hope for tomorrow.

Prayer: Lord, thank You that I can enjoy a BYTE of time with You whenever I need it. Thank You that, by me hiding Your Word in my heart regularly as my spiritual food, I will find strength, joy and times of refreshing as and when I need it. Thank You that You are watching over every BYTE of Your Word I take to perform it in its due season. Your Word is pure, tried, reliable and trustworthy, bringing joy to my heart and enlightening my eyes with Your wisdom. I hide each BYTE of Your Word in my heart with love and with the expectation of good. I give You thanks for all this, in Jesus name. Amen.

Meaghan Spies © 2022


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