Be Still

BYTES~ Be Still

Psalm 46:10a Be Still, and know that I Am God.

Tranquil mountain and river scene,

Two words. A profound statement: Be Still.

This is a Word straight from the Holy Spirit to your heartBe still. It is a word in season with a personal meaning for the one who would receive it. For some, Be Still, evokes memories of the struggle to do just that, to Be Still. Getting still before the Lord in order to hear what He has to say can be daunting or just plain difficult for some. You want to hear from God but…

1. Being Still long enough to hear presents a problem. The phone or doorbell has an uncanny habit of ringing right at the time you picked as your quiet time. Thing is, do not give up. Get right back into God’s Presence if you are disturbed. Or try not to set the busiest time of your day as your time with God.

If this describes you then tell yourself that Being Still requires determination. You must become determined to have a deeper, more personal, relationship with Jesus. Jesus said if you seek Him, you will find Him (Luke 11:9). Life is about choices. Once you have made up your mind to Be Still, you will do it. It is the same as when you decide to go shopping or hang-out with your girlfriends. When you want something bad enough, you will do anything to get it.

2. Being Still for others could mean simply tuning out the ongoing narrative of pain, sorrow, tears, fear, grief or betrayal endlessly looping in your mind, if even for a little while. We get into a cycle of downward spiraling thoughts and cannot seem to lift ourselves up from the heaviness of heart that accompanies them. You struggle to have hope. In fact, it seems as if your thoughts are screeching like a train barreling through a tunnel at break-neck speed and you cannot get off. If this is you currently, then this is definitely a good time to Be Still and know that God is the God of your life and mind, and not your feelings, emotions or circumstances, as you have supposed.

3. Still, Being Still for others is scary. Some people must have noise around them all the time to drown out the deafening silences they think will swallow them, which they believe could drive them into a mind-breaking black-hole from which they think they will never recover. People like this are afraid of their own company, scared of what they might find in themselves if they were quiet long enough to hear or even to connect with themselves. If this is you, you will notice that you do not like being alone. You must have people around you and you must fill the silence with words. If this is you, God has got you. He understands the fears of your mind keeping you from experiencing the profound joy of inner peace. He has ways for you to work through them. But you are going to have to trust Him and get used to the silence of the Holy Spirit while He is at work in you.

Be Still.

In God’s Presence you can find all you could ever need. God wants us to be at peace with ourselves, with Him and with others. But we must make the effort to Be Still long enough to hear His voice speak life, forgiveness, victory and peace to our souls.

Be Still and know that God is still God over all- over every problem in your life, over every sickness and over every thought.

Be Still and know that you are never alone wherever you go, or may allow yourself to go.

Be Still and know that in God’s Presence there is fullness of joy, riches forevermore, and peace beyond understanding.

How about Being Still right now, knowing that God is in control?

Meaghan Spies © 2022 



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